YouTube’s Test Tube: What Is It?

Although the improvements or ideas being worked on in
YouTube’s TestTube are likely to vary, you will find that
many improvements or ideas are centered on watching
videos.  For instance, YouTube is currently working on an
idea that allows you and other internet users, who are
watching the same YouTube videos, to talk to each other,
almost like a live, real-time chat. This is a little bit
different then sending personal messages or leaving
comments on a YouTube video page. Another unique idea
currently being examined in YouTube’s TestTube, is the
ability to add music to a video, as a watcher.  In
YouTube’s TestTube, you have the ability to swap out
audio from a YouTube video from a long list of licensed
songs that YouTube has permission to use.
The decision as to whether or not you want to visit the
TestTube section of YouTube is yours to make, but it is
definitely something worth looking into.  You get to try out
all of YouTube’s current ideas or improvements for free.
You are also encouraged to offer your suggestions as to
whether or not you like them.  This, in turn, could help to
make your YouTube experience even that more
memorable. If you are interested in taking part in
YouTube’s TestTube program, you can find more
information about the program, by visiting the YouTube
webpage.  In small print, at the bottom of each YouTube
page, you will find a link with more information on

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