Pros and Cons of Making Your Own YouTube Videos

Are you one of the millions of internet users who enjoy
watching free videos on YouTube?  If you are, the thought
of creating your own YouTube video may have crossed
your mind; has it?  If so, you may be wondering whether
or not you should make your own YouTube video and
then upload it to the YouTube website.  When making
your decision, it is advised that you can examine the pros
and cons of doing so.

When it comes to making your own YouTube video, there
are a number of cons or downsides to doing so.  Perhaps,
the biggest downside to making your own video and then
uploading it to YouTube is that you are essentially sharing
the video with the whole world.  Many individuals
mistakenly believe that their videos will only be seen by
YouTube members, but that isn’t the truth.  Any internet
user, even those without a YouTube account, can view
videos on YouTube.  In fact, it is not uncommon for
YouTube video viewers to email a YouTube video link to
those that they know. Therefore, the views that your
YouTube videos may get may be more than you ever
expected or wanted.

Since any video that you upload to the YouTube website
can be viewed by just about anyone with an internet
connection, you may want to be careful with the amount
of information that you disclose.  For instance, if you are
doing a video blog, you might not want to give your real
name or at least not your full name.  It is also important
that you don’t mention where you live.  If you want, you

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