have you ever thought about making your own YouTube
videos? While making a YouTube video may seem like a
complicated process, it actually isn’t one. YouTube
makes it so easy for you to upload your videos that the
hardest part isn’t actually uploading them, but making
When it comes to making a YouTube video, one of the
biggest problems a person has, especially a first time
YouTube video maker, is deciding what type of video they
should make. Of course, you have the option to make
whichever type of video you want, within YouTube’s
guidelines of course, but there are a few video pieces that
you may want to closely examine, as they are great for
One of the most popular video types currently found on
YouTube are video blogs. Video blogs seem as if they are
taking over traditional, printed blogs. Instead of venting
about their day in print, many bloggers are now getting in
front of the camera. Video blogs are easy to make, as
you pretty much just summarize what is going on in your
life. Of course, you need to keep safety in mind, when
making a YouTube video blog. If you want to outline your
day, week, or month for other internet users to see, you
will want to do so without giving up too much information
about yourself, like your full name, address, or phone